1. Beard, R., & Hartley, J. (1964). Teaching and learning in higher education (4th ed.). London: Chapman.
2. Burnhill, P., Hartley, J., & Davies, L. (1978). Lined paper, legibility and creativity. Educational Research, 14(1), 62. (Extended version with illustrations in J. Hartley (Ed.) (1980). The psychology of written communication (pp. 82–91). London: Kogan Page.
3. Hartley, J. (1978). Designing instructional text (3rd edn, 1994). London: Kogan Page.
4. Hartley, J. (1981). Eighty ways of improving instructional text. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, PC-24(1), 17–27.
5. Hartley, J. (2000). Legal ease and ‘legalese’. Psychology, Crime & Law, 6, 1–20.