1. Code of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association: Current Opinions with Annotations, 2006-2007 Edition. Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. Annotations prepared by the Southern Illinois University Schools of Medicine and Law.
2. Snyder L, JD, and Leffler C, JD. Ethics Manual, Fifth Edition. Ethics and Human Rights Committee, American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine. 142(7):560-582, 5 April 2005.
3. http://www.hrc.org. . Accessed October 15, 2007.
4. Decisions near the end of life. Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, American Medical Association. JAMA. 1992;267:2229-2233.
5. Patient Self Determination Act (1990). 42 U.S.C. 1395 cc (a). Subpart E. Section 4751. The Patient Self-Determination Act can be found at www.dgcenter.org/acp/pdf/psda.pdf. Accessed October 15, 2007.