1. US EPA Workshop: Toward an Oxygen Transfer Standard, US EPA-600/9-78-021, US EPA Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH, April (1979).
2. WWC PEMA, Recommended Practice in the Testing of Aeration and Oxygenation Device, Wastewater Equipment Council Process Equipment Manufacturers Association (1972).
3. W. W. Eckenfelder Jr., Sewage ind. Wastes, 31, 60 (1959).
4. P. F. Morgan and I. K. Bewtra, J. Water Poll Control Fed. 32, 1047 (1960).
5. Bewtra, J. K. and W. R. Nicholas, Oxygenation from diffused air in aeration tanks, J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 36, 1195 (1964).