1. G. S. Gorshkov 1952,Graficheskiy metod opredeleniya epitsentra zemletriaseniya po dannym odnoi seismichekoy stantsii (Graphical method for the determination of earthquake epicenters using data from a seismic station). In:Instructions on conducting and processing observations of seismic stations in the USSR, p. 148–153, Publ. Acad. Sci. (in Russian).
2. 1953,Sostoyaniye vulkanov Kliuchevskoy gruppy s 30 avgust po 31 dekabria 1948 g (State of Kliuchevskaya group of volcanoes from Aug. 30 to Dec. 31, 1948). Bull. Volc. Station,19, p. 7–13 (in Russian).
3. ——,Seismicheskiye nabludeniya v sele Kliuchi (s 28 avgusta po 31 dekabria 1948 g) (Seismic observations at the Kliuchi station from Aug. 28 to Dec. 31, 1948). Bull. Volc. Station,19, p. 14–31 (in Russian).
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