1. J. F. Stringer,AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 120on High Temperature Corrosion of Aerospace Alloys (NATO, London, 1973), p. 284.
2. I. G. Wright,Oxidation of Iron-, Nickel- and Cobalt-base Alloys, Metals and Ceramics Information Center (Battelle-Columbus Laboratories, Rep. MCIC-72-07, 1972).
3. D. B. Lee, Ph. D. thesis, Pennsylvania State University, 1987.
4. J. F. Stringer,AGARDograph No. 200on High Temperature Corrosion of Aerospace Alloys (NATO, London, 1975), p. 567.
5. F. R. Reid,Phase Diagrams for Ceramist, National Bureau of Standards (American Ceramics Society, Ohio, 1964), p. 1.