1. Downton, M., & Brennan, T. Comparing classifications: An evaluation of several coefficients of partition agreement. Paper presented at the meeting of the Classification Society, Boulder, Colorado, June 1980.
2. Tech. Rep.;E. J. Dudewicz,1974
3. Edelbrock, C., & McLaughlin, B. Intraclass correlations as metrics for hierarchical cluster analysis: Parametric comparisons using the mixture model. Paper presented at the meeting of the Classification Society, Gainesville, Florida, April 1979.
4. Fowlkes, E. B., & Mallows, C. L.A new measure of similarity between two hierarchical clusterings and its use in studying hierarchical clustering methods. Paper presented at the meeting of the Classification Society, Boulder, Colorado, June 1980.
5. Tech. Rep.;G. P. Learmonth,1973