1. Frank, R.: The Method of Iterated Defect Correction and its Application to Two-Point Boundary Value Problems Part I: Num. Math.25, 409–419 (1976); Part II: Num. Math.27, 407–420 (1977).
2. Frank, R., Hertling, J.: Die Anwendung der Iterierten Defektkorrektur auf das Dirichlet-problem, Report No. 20/76, Inst. F. Num. Math., Technical University of Vienna, 1976 (to appear).
3. Frank, R., Ueberhuber, C. W.: Iterated Defect Correction for Runge Kutta Methods, Report No. 14/75, Inst. f. Num. Math., Technical University of Vienna, 1975.
4. Frank, R., Ueberhuber, C. W.: Collocation and Iterated Defect Correction, in: Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 631, pp. 19–34. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer 1978.
5. Frank, R., Ueberhuber, C. W.: Iterated Defect Correction for the Efficient Solution of Stiff Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations. BIT17, 146–159 (1977).