1. P. B. Esposito: Recent Advances in the Evaluation of the Geocentric Gravitational Constant. IUGG Gen. Ass., Canberra 1979.
2. H. Kinoshita: Formulas for Precession. SAO Spec. Rep. 364 (1975).
3. M. Burša: Potential of the Geoidal Surface, the Scale Factor for Lengths and Earth's Figure Parameters from Satellite Observations. Studia geoph. et geod., 13 (1969), 337.
4. M. Burša, M. Šidlichovský: Stokes Constants of an Unhomogeneous Spheroid. BAC, 28 (1977), 21.
5. T. H. Jordan: Estimation of the Radial Variation of Seismic Velocities and Density in the Earth. Ph. D. thesis, California Inst. of Technology, 1972.