1. F.L. VerSnyder and M. E. Shank:Mater. Sci. Eng., 1970, vol. 6, pp. 213–47.
2. G. S. Cole and R. S.Cremisio: Chapter 17,TheSuperalloys,C. T. Sims and W. C. Hagel, eds., John Wiley and Sons, 1972.
3. G. F. Harrison and G. P. Tilly, International Conference on Creep and Fatigue in Elevated Temperature Applications, Philadelphia, September 1973, Inst. Mech. Eng., paper C222.
4. D. A. Spera, M. A. H. Howes, and P. T. Bizon: NASA TMS-52975, March 1971.
5. D. F. Mowbray, D. A. Woodford, and D. E. Brandt:Fatigue at Elevated Tempe- ratures, ASTM STP 520, 1973.