A repository of Unix history and evolution


Spinellis Diomidis


Research Centre of the Athens University of Economics and Business


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



Reference58 articles.

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3. Bashkow TR (1972) Study of UNIX. Bell Laboratories memo MH-8234-TRB-mbh. Available online at http://bitsavers.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/pdf/bellLabs/unix/PreliminaryUnixImplementationDocument_Jun72.pdf . Current September 2015

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5. Bourne S R (1978) The UNIX shell. Bell Syst Tech J 56(6):1971–1990

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2. High-Performance and Parallel Computing Techniques Review: Applications, Challenges and Potentials to Support Net-Zero Transition of Future Grids;Energies;2022-11-18

3. Is Kernel Code Different From Non-Kernel Code? A Case Study of BSD Family Operating Systems;2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME);2022-10

4. Characterizing refactoring graphs in Java and JavaScript projects;Empirical Software Engineering;2021-09-18

5. A longitudinal analysis of bloated Java dependencies;Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering;2021-08-18








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