1. Barnett, M. P., Futrelle, R. P.: Syntactic analysis by digital computer. Comm. ACM 5, 515?526 (1962).
2. Brooker, R. A., Morris, D.: A description of Mercury Autocode in terms of a phrase structure language. Ann. Review Auto. Programming 2, 29?65 (1961). See also S. Rosen, Comm. ACM 7, 403?414 (1964).
3. Conway, M. E.: Design of a separable transition-diagram compiler. Comm. ACM 6, 396?408 (1963).
4. Schorre, D. V.: META II, a syntax-oriented compiler writing language. Proc. ACM National Conf. 19, D1.3.1-D1.3.11 (1964).
5. Knuth, D. E.: The Art of Computer Programming (to be published in seven volumes).