1. 8010 STAR Information System Reference Library, Release 4.2. Xerox Office Systems, El Segundo, California, 1984.
2. Interleaf Publishing Systems Reference Manual, Release 2.0, Vol. 1: Editing and Vol. 2: Management. Interleaf, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 1985.
3. Todd Allen, Robert Nix, and Alan Perlis. PEN: a hierarchical document editor. In Proc. of ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOA Symposium on Text Manipulation, pages 74–81, Portland, Oregan, June 8–10 1981.
4. Malcolm Crowe, Clark Nicol, Michael Hughes, and David Mackay. On converting a compiler into an incremental compiler. SIGPLAN Notices, 20(10):14–22, October 1985.
5. James D. Foley and Andries van Dam. Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts, 1982.