1. 44Hes: W. Hessenbruch and L. Horn, “The Effect of Small Additions of Thorium on the Lifetime of Heat Resisting Alloys”,Z. Metallkd.,36, 145–146 (1944). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
2. 47Wil: H.A. Wilhelm, O.N. Carlson, and A.I. Snow, “Progress Report in Metallurgy”, ISC-6, 76–77 (1947). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental)
3. 48Heu: T. Heumann, “A 5B Phases”,Nachr. Akad. Wiss. Gottingen, Math. Phys. Klasse, 1, 21–26 (1948) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
4. Indicates key paper.48Hor: L. Horn and C. Basserman “The Nickel-Thorium Phase Diagram”,Z. Metallkd., 39, 272–275 (1948) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental, Indicates key paper: Indicates the presence of a phase diagram).
5. 55Mur: J.R. Murray, “The Crystal Structure of Some Thorium Compounds”,J. Inst. Met., 84, 91–96 (1955–1956). (Crys Structure; Experimental)