1. A.A. Wells, in Symposium on Crack Propagation, Vol. 1, Cranfield, England, (1961) 210?230.
2. M.G. Dawes, in Elastic-Plastic Fracture, ASTM STP 668 J.D. Landes, J.A. Begley and G.A. Clark (eds.) (1979) 307?333.
3. J.N. Robinson and A.S. Tetelman, in Fracture Toughness and Slow-Stable Cracking, ASTM STP 559 (1974) 139?158.
4. G. Knauf and H. Riedel, in Advances in Fracture Research, Vol. 5, D. Francois (ed.), Pergamon Press (1981) 2547?2553.
5. N.P. Andrianopoulos and S.K. Kourkoulis, in Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 2, J.F. Silva Gomes (ed.), A.A. Balkema, (1994) 995?1000.