1. Born M (1949) Natural philosophy of cause and chance. Oxford University Press, Oxford
2. Buchdahl HA (1966) The concepts of classical thermodynamics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
3. Carathéodory C (1909) Untersuchungen über die Grundlagen der Thermodynamik. Math Ann (Berlin) 67:355–386; see also, Born M (1949) Natural philosophy of cause and chance. Clarendon Press, London
4. Carnot SN (1824) Reflections. Paris; translated and edited by Fox R (1986) Reflexions on the Power of Fire. Manchester University Press, Manchester
5. Clausius R (1850) On the motive power of heat, and the laws which can be deduced from it for the theory of heat. Poggendorff's Annalen LXXIX:376–500, transl. in Magie WF (1899) The second law of thermodynamics. American Book Co, New York