1. J.E. ALBERDA, Planning and Optimisation of Networks: Some General Considerations, paper presented at Symposium on Computational Methods in Geometrical Geodesy, Oxford, Sept. 2–8, 1973.
2. J.E. ALBERDA, Aspects of Large Leveling Nets, The Canadian Surveyor, 28, 643–657, 1974.
3. W. BAARDA, S-Transformations and Criterion Matrices, Netherlands Geodetic Commission, Publications on Geodesy, New Series Vol. 5, No. 1, 1973.
4. N. BARTELME, P. MEISSL, Strength Analysis of Distance Networks, Report No. 15 of the Geodetic Institutes, Technical University Graz, 1974.
5. K. BORRE, T. KRARUP, On the Spectrum of Geodetic Networks, paper presented at Symposium on Computational Methods in Geometrical Geodesy, Oxford, Sept. 2–8, 1973.