1. N.I. Akhiezer,The Classical Moment Problem (Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1969). Originally published Moscow, 1961.
2. Lect. Notes Math.;G.S. Ammar,1987
3. V. Belevitch,Classical Network Theory, (Holden-Day, San Francisco 1968).
4. R.P. Brent, F.G. Gustavson and D.Y. Yun, Fast solution of Toeplitz systems of equations and computation of Padé approximants, J. of Algorithms 1 (1980) 259–295.
5. A. Bultheel, Orthogonal matrix functions related to the multivariable Nevanlinna-Pick problem, Tijdschr. Belgisch Wisk. Genootschap, Ser. B, 32(2) (1980) 149–170.