1. A group of articles on mathematical technology in Usp. Mat. Nauk, 1, Nos. 5, 6, 3?174 (1946): 1) N. E. Kobrinskii and L. A. Lyusternik, ?Mathematical technology (introduction to the group)?; 2) I. N. Yanzhul, ?Calculating machines and their application to astronomical calculations? 3) V. M. Proshko, ?Devices for determining the roots of a system of linear equations?: 4) [Russian translation of 5)]; 5) V. Bush and D. Caldwell, ?A new type of differential analyzer,? J. Franklin Inst.,240, No. 4 (Oct., 1945); 6) [Russian translation of 7)]; 7) M. Born, R. Furtz, and R. V. Princhl, ?A photoelectric Fourier transformer,? Nature (Dec. 22, 1945).
2. M. L. Bykhovskii, ?New American calculating machines,? Usp. Mat. Nauk,2, No. 2, 131?134 (1947).
3. Popular Science, October, 86 (1944).
4. Popular Science, April, 83 (1946).
5. D. R. Hartrey, ?The ENIAC, an electronic calculating machine,? Nature,157, No. 3990, 527.