1. F.H. Froes, C. Suryanarayana, and D. Eliezer, ISIJ International, 31 (1991), p. 1235; also F.H. Froes, C. Suryanarayana, and D. Eliezer J. Mater. Engr. (4) (1991) p. 1 (in Chinese).
2. F.H. Froes, J. Material Science Technology, 10 (1994), p. 1.
3. F.H. Froesand C. Suryanarayana, “Titanium Aluminides,” Physical Metallurgy and Processing of Intennetallic Compounds, ed. V.K. Sikka and N. Stoloff (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995), p. 297.
4. R.S. Mishr et al., “Flow Behavior of a Mechanically Alloyed and HIPed Nanocrystalline ψ-TiAl,” Advances in the Science and Technology of Titanium Alloy Processing, ed. I. Weiss et al. (Warrendale, PA: TMS, to be published).
5. N. Hoo et al., Eighth International Titanium Conference, ed. P. Blenkinsop et al., to be published by the Inst. of Materials.