1. J. Raeder and W. Gulden (1989). NET Safety Analysis and the European Safety and Environmental Programme, 15th Symp. Fusion Technology, Utrecht 1988.J. Fus. Eng. Design 11, 63–84.
2. ITER Conceptual Design Report, ITER Documentation Series No. 18, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1991.
3. G. Vieideret al. ITER Plasma Facing Components, Design and Development, Paper Presented at the Second International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, Karlsruhe, June 1991.
4. H. Th. Klippel. Requirement Definition Document Subtask SEA 3.4, LOCA External to the Vacuum Vessel, NET-GSA-IN-WG-90-117, January 1990.
5. Letter from the NET Team (J. Raeder) to the Netherlands Energy Research Foundation ECN, Date 19-07-1991.