1. Kitab al-'Ibar [The Book of Advice]. Ed. by N. Hurini. 7 vols. Cairo, Bulaq, 1867 (a.h. 1284).
2. Muqaddima Ibn Khaldūn [Ibn Khaldūn's Introduction to History]. Cairo, 'Abd a-Wāhid Wāfī, 1957. 4 vols.
3. The Prolegomena of Ibn Khaldūn. Paris, E. Quatremère, 1858. 3 vols. (In Arabic).
4. Shifā' as-sā'il li tahdh-ib al-masā'il [Satisfying Questions on the Correction of Problems]. Istanbul, M. Ibn Tawit at-Tanji, 1958.
5. At-Ta'rīf bi-Ibn Khaldūn wa rihlatuhu gharban wa sharqan An Introduction to Ibn Khaldūn and His Travels in West and East. Cairo, M. Ibn Tawit at-Tanji, 1951 (a.h. 1370).