1. P. Erdös,On sequences of integers no one of which divides the product of two others and on some related problems. Izv. Nauk Mat. i Mech. Tomsk2 (1938), 74–82. (The best estimation off(n;K 2(2, 2)) is due to I. Reiman, Über ein Problem von K. Zaranbievicz, Acta Math. Hung Acad. Sci.,9 (1958), 269–273.
2. P. Erdös and A. H. Stone,On the structure of linear graphs, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.52 (1946), 1087–1091.
3. P. Erdös,Some remarks on the theory of graphs, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.53 (1947), 292–294.
4. P. Erdös and A. Rényi,On the evolution of random graphs, Publ. Inst. Hung. Acad. Sci.5 (1960), 17–61.
5. P. Turán,On the theory of graphs, Colloqium Math.3 (1954), 19–30.