1. H.C. Rogers, Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME, 218 (1960) 498?506.
2. C.D. Beachem, Transactions of American Society for Metals, 56 (1963) 318?326.
3. J.I. Bluhm and R.J. Morrissey, Fracture in a Tensile Specimen, in Proc. of the First Int. Conference on Fracture, Sendai, Japan, 1965 (T. Yokobori et al., eds.), Vol. 3, Japanese Society for Strength and Fracture of Materials, Tokyo (1966) 1739.
4. K.E. Puttick, Philosophical Magazine, 4 (1959) 964?969.
5. J. Gurland and J. Plateau, Transactions of American Society for Metals, 56 (1963) 442?454.