1. Catherine Westfall, “From Desire to Data: How JLab’s Experimental Program Evolved,” pt. 1, “From Vision to Dream Equipment, the Mid-1980,” Physics in Perspective 18 (2016), 301–50.
2. CEBAF, “CEBAF Design Report,” May 1986, Jefferson Laboratory Library Archives, Newport New, VA (hereafter JLL).
3. For more on the rise of the New Big Science, see Robert P. Crease and Catherine Westfall, “The New Big Science,” Physics Today 69 (2016), 30–36.
4. CEBAF, “Experimental Equipment Conceptual Design Report,” CEBAF R-90-001, JLL.
5. During the fifteen years of operation of the accelerator, which operated first at 4 GeV and later at 6 GeV, nearly two hundred experiments were conducted. In 2008 a major upgrade of the facility was initiated, which was completed in September 2017. The upgrade doubled the beam energy, added a fourth experimental hall, and provided a new suite of major experimental equipment.