1. A.H.O. Brown, The development of computer optimisation procedures for use in Aero Engine Design, in: Optimization in Action, ed. L.C.W. Dixon (Academic Press, 1976)
2. L.C.W. Dixon and K.D. Patel, The place of parallel computation in Numerical Optimisation II, The global problem. Proc. EEC/CNR Summer School: Design of Numerical Algorithms for Parallel Processing (Bergamo University, 1981)
3. P.G. Ducksbury, The implementation of a parallel version of Price's (CRS) algorithm on the ICL DAP, Techn. Rep. 127 (The Numerical Optimisation Centre, The Hatfield Polytechnic, 1982).
4. K.D. Patel, Implementation of a parallel (SIMD) modified Newton algorithm on teh ICL DAP, IMA Proc. of The progress in the use of vector and array processors (University of Bristol, 1982).
5. K.D. Patel, Controlled Random Search algorithm for the solution of multiextremal global optimisation problem: sequential and parallel (MIMD) implementation. Presented at IFIP Workshop on Stochastic Programming: Algorithms and applications (University of Milan, Sept., 1983).