1. CEB-FIP, ‘Model Code 1990’, Thomas Telford, London (1993), 437pp., ISBN 0 7277 1696 4.
2. Gambarova, P.G., Plizzari, G.A., Balazs, G.L., igaj-van Vliet, A. and Cairns, J.et al., ‘Bond of reinforcement in concrete’,fib Bulletin 10, Chapter 1, “Bond mechanics including pull-out and splitting failures”, Lausanne (2000), pp 1–97, ISSN 1562-3610, ISBN 2-88394-050-9
3. Snowdon, L.C., ‘Classifying reinforcing bars by bond strength’,Building Research Station, Garston (Nov. 1970), p.40, CP36/70.
4. Cairns, J., Jirsa, J. and McCabe, S.L., ‘Bond of reinforcement in concrete’,fib Bulletin 10, Chapter 5, “Bond of Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated Reinforcement”, Lausanne (2000), pp 217–243, ISSN 1562-3610, ISBN 2-88394-050-9.
5. RILEM/CEB/FIP, ‘Bond test for reinforcing steel: 2. Pullout Test’, Recommendation RC 6 (1978).