1. F. E. LUBORSKY (ed), ?Amorphous Metallic Alloys? Butterworths, London, 1983).
2. Idem, in ?Ferromagnetic Materials?, edited by E. P. Wohlfarth (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1980) p. 451.
3. K. MOORJANI and J. M. D. COEY, ?Magnetic Glasses? (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983).
4. T. KANEYOSHI, ?Amorphous Magnetism? (CRC Press, Boaco Raton, 1983).
5. H. KIMURA and T. MASUMOTO, ?Amorphous Metallic Alloys?, edited by F. E. Luborsky (Butterworths, London, 1983) p. 187.