1. J. Jang, T. Yoo, J. Oh, and I. Iwasaki,Resour., Conserv. Recyl.,22, 1 (1988).
2. John Paul, inEncyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering, H. F. Mark and I. Kroschwitz, Eds., New York, Wiley, 1988, Vol. 14, p. 787.
3. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, “Tire Dumps and Dangers”,www.dep.state.pa.us.
4. The Cristian Science Monitor, “Rhode Islanders Tire of Tire Piles” March 3, 1998,www.csmonitor.com.
5. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN), US DOE, “Scrap Tire Recycling”,www.eren.doe.gov.