1. LNCS # 545,1991
2. Deransart, P.: Proof Methods of Declarative Properties of Definite Programs, Rapports de Recherche No 1248, INRIA, Juni 1990
3. Deransart, P.; Ferrand, G.: A methodological view of logic programming with negation, In: O.M. Tammepuu (Ed.). Informatics '89, Proc. of the Soviet-French Symposium, Tallinn, May 29–June 2, 1989, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Cybernetics, 76–91
4. LNCS # 545;K. Koskimies,1991
5. Kastens,U., Pfahler,P. (Eds.): Compiler Construction, 4th International Conference, CC '92, Paderborn, FRG, Oct. 1992, Proc., LNCS # 641, Springer-Verlag