Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference14 articles.
1. Amadio R. [1989] “Recursion over realizability structures”, Info.&Comp., 91, 1, (55–85), 1991. Also appeared as TR 1/89 Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa.
2. Amadio R. [1990] “Domains in a Realizability Framework”, in Proc. CAAP91, Brighton, SLNCS 493, Abramsky S., Maibaum T. (eds.), (241–263), full version appeared as Liens TR 19-90.
3. Amadio R. [1992] “On the adequacy of per models”, RR 1579 Inria-Lorraine, January 1992 (20 pages).
4. Amadio R., Cardelli L. [1990] “Subtyping Recursive Types”, in Proc. ACM-POPL91, Orlando. Full version appeared as DEC-SRC TR #62 and TR 133 Inria-Lorraine, in press on ACM-TOPLAS.
5. Baeten J, Boerboom B. [1979] “Ω can be anything it shouldn't be”, Indag. Math. 41, (111–120).
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