1. Alexander, J. E., 1977, Assessment of the environmental impact of exploratory oil drilling. Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management (Contract No. 08550-CT5-30), Washington, DC. 74 p.
2. Boothe, P. N., and B. J. Presley, 1979, Trace metals in zooplankton, shrimp and fish. Final report to the Bureau of Land Management (Contract No. AA551-CT8-51), Washington, DC 43 p.
3. Boothe, P. N., and B. J. Presley, 1985, Distribution and behavior of drilling fluids and cuttings around Gulf of Mexico drilling sites. Final report to the American Petroleum Institute (Contract No. 243). Washington, DC. 140 p.
4. Burgbacher, J. A., 1984, Personal communication.
5. Report No. EPA-560/1-75-004;B. G. Chesser,1975