1. I. M. H. Pagden, G. J. Pearson, V. N. Beck, I.E.E.E.Trans. Nucl. Sci. N.S., 17 (1970) No. 1, 211.
2. R. C. Hawkings, W. J. Edwards, E. M. McLeod, Tables of Gamma Rays from the Decay of Radionuclides, AECL 1225, 1961.
3. Nuclear Data Sheets, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council Washington, D.C. to 1966.
4. Nuclear Data, Sections A and B, Wiley, New York, 1967 on.
5. D. J. Hughes, E. A. Magurno, M. K. Brussel, Neutron Cross Sections, BNL 325 and Supplements.