1. Pellini, W. S., “Advances in Fracture Toughness Characterization Procedures and in Quantitative Interpretations to Fracture-Safe Design for Structural Steels,” NRL Report 6713 (April 1968).
2. Pellini, W. S., “Evolution of Engineering Principles for Fracture-Safe Design of Steel Structures,” NRL Report 6957 (Sept. 1969).
3. Loss, F. J. and Pellini, W. S., “Coupling of Fracture Mechanics and Transition Temperature Approaches to Fracture-Safe Design,” NRL Report 6913 (April 1969).
4. Nash, G. E. and Lange, E. A., “Mechanical Aspects of the Dynamic Tear Test Specimens,” NRL Memorandum Report 1826 (Sept. 1967).
5. Nash, G. E., “An Analysis of the Forces and Bending Moments Generated During the NRL Dynamic Tear Test,” NRL Report 6864 (Jan. 1969).