Quark and gluon helicity evolution at small x: revised and updated


Cougoulic Florian,Kovchegov Yuri V.,Tarasov Andrey,Tawabutr Yossathorn


Abstract We revisit the problem of small Bjorken-x evolution of the gluon and flavor-singlet quark helicity distributions in the shock wave (s-channel) formalism. Earlier works on the subject in the same framework [1–3] resulted in an evolution equation for the gluon field-strength F12 and quark “axial current” $$ \overline{\psi}\gamma $$ ψ ¯ γ +γ5ψ operators (sandwiched between the appropriate light-cone Wilson lines) in the double-logarithmic approximation (summing powers of αs ln2(1/x) with αs the strong coupling constant). In this work, we observe that an important mixing of the above operators with another gluon operator, $$ {}_D{}^{\leftarrow i} $$ D i Di, also sandwiched between the light-cone Wilson lines (with the repeated transverse index i = 1, 2 summed over), was missing in the previous works [1–3]. This operator has the physical meaning of the sub-eikonal (covariant) phase: its contribution to helicity evolution is shown to be proportional to another sub-eikonal operator, Di$$ {}_D{}^{\leftarrow i} $$ D i , which is related to the Jaffe-Manohar polarized gluon distribution [4]. In this work we include this new operator into small-x helicity evolution, and construct novel evolution equations mixing all three operators (Di$$ {}_D{}^{\leftarrow i} $$ D i , F12, and $$ \overline{\psi}\gamma $$ ψ ¯ γ +γ5ψ), generalizing the results of [1–3]. We also construct closed double-logarithmic evolution equations in the large-Nc and large-Nc&Nf limits, with Nc and Nf the numbers of quark colors and flavors, respectively. Solving the large-Nc equations numerically we obtain the following small-x asymptotics of the quark and gluon helicity distributions ∆Σ and ∆G, along with the g1 structure function,$$ \Delta \Sigma \left(x,{Q}^2\right)\sim \Delta G\left(x,{Q}^2\right)\sim {g}_1\left(x,{Q}^2\right)\sim {\left(\frac{1}{x}\right)}^{3.66\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_s{N}_c}{2\pi }}} $$ Σ x Q 2 G x Q 2 g 1 x Q 2 1 x 3.66 α s N c 2 π in complete agreement with the earlier work by Bartels, Ermolaev and Ryskin [5].


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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