1. C. Adams, “The CAST-256 Encryption Algorithm,” NIST AES Proposal, Jun 98.
2. C. Adams, personal communication, Feb 1999.
3. E. Biham, A. Biryukov, A. Shamir. “Cryptanalysis of Skipjack Reduced to 31 Rounds using Impossible Differentials,” EUROCRYPT’99, to appear.
4. E. Biham, A. Biryukov, A. Shamir. “Miss in the Middle Attacks on IDEA, Khufu, and Khafre,” this volume.
5. E. Biham, A. Biryukov, O. Dunkelmann, E. Richardson, A. Shamir, “Initial Observations on the Skipjack Encryption Algorithm,” SAC’98, Springer-Verlag, 1998.