1. Martin van Amersfoorth; Family Ties — Or How to Survive Mutual Relationships; in Fusion Newsletter, May 1997, pp. 5–8.
2. Stéphane Barbey; Ada 95 as Implementation Language for Object-Oriented Designs; in Proceedings of TRI-Ada’ 95, Charles B. Engle, Jr. (Ed.), Anaheim, California, November 5–10 1995, pp. 212–225.
3. Stéphane Barbey and Alfred Strohmeier; Object-Oriented Programming with Ada 95; in International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Ada-Europe’97, London, U.K, June 1–6 1997, Tutorial Notes, 1997. (This tutorial was given the first time in 1994.)
4. Stéphane Barbey, Magnus Kempe and Alfred Strohmeier; Programmation par objets avec Ada 9X; in TSI (Techniques et Sciences Informatiques), vol. 13, no. 5, 1994, pp. 639–669.
5. P. P. Chen; The entity-relationship model: towards a unified view of data; in ACM TODS, 1 (1), 1976.