1. G. Ghinea and J. P. Thomas, QoS Impact on User Perception and Understanding of Multimedia Video Clips, in Proceedings of ACM Multimedia’ 98.
2. J. Zamora, D. Anastassiou and S-F Chang, Objective and Subjective Quality of Service Performance of Video-on-Demand in ATM-WAN, submitted for publication to Signal Processing: Image Communication, July 1997.
3. J. Zamora, D. Anastassiou, S-F Chang and K. Shibata, Subjective Quality of Service Performance of Video-on-Demand under Extreme ATM Impairment Conditions, Proceedings AVSPN-97, Sept. 1997.
4. J. Zamora, D. Anastassiou, S-F Chang and L. Ulbricht, Objective and Subjective Quality of Service Performance of Video-on-Demand in ATM-WAN, submitted for publication to Elsevier Science, Jan. 1999.
5. ATM Forum Service Aspects and Applications, Audio/Visual Multimedia Services: Video on Demand v1.0, af-saa-0049.000, Jan. 1996.