1. J. Amsden, G. Clemm: Web Versioning Model, INTERNET DRAFT, draft-ietf-webdav-versionmodel-00.html, in the version of February 1, 1999 expiring August, 1999.
2. Technical Report;L. Bendix,1997
3. L. Bendix, P. Larsen, A. Nielsen, J. Petersen: CoEd-A Tool for Versioning of Hierarchical Documents, in Proceedings of SCM-8 (Bruxelles, Belgium, July 1998), Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Springer Verlag.
4. B. Berliner: CVS II: Parallelizing Software Development, in Proceedings of USENIX Winter 1990 (Washington, DC, 1990).
5. D. Durand: Cooperative Editing without Synchronization, in Hypertext’ 93 Workshop on Hyperbase Systems (Seattle, WA), Technical Report n. TAMU-HRL 93-009, Hypertext Research Lab, Texas A&M University, College Station TX