1. Diffie, W. and Hellman, M.E., “New directions in cryptology,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. IT-22, No. 6, November 1976, pp.644–654.
2. ISO/TC68, “Banking-Key management (wholesale),” ISO/DIS 8732, February 1987.
3. Matsumoto, T. and Imai, H., Patent application, July, 1986.
4. Matsumoto, T. and Imai, H., “The Third Key Distribution System,” Proceedings of the 1986 Workshop on Cryptography and Information Security, Yokohama, Japan, August 27, 1986 pp.39–41.
5. Matsumoto, T. and Imai, H., “The Key Predistribution System,” IECE Technical Report TGIT86-54, Institute of Electronics and Communications Engineers of Japan, Vo1.86, No.145, September 18, 1986, pp.29–34.