1. Bell, G., Gray, J.: “What’s Next in High-Performance Computing?” in Communications of the ACM, 45, No. 2 (2002) 91–95.
2. Elster, A.C. and Reeves, A. P.: “Block-Matrix Operations Using Orthogonal Trees”, Proc. of the Third Conf. on Hypercube Systems and Applications, January 19–20, 1988 in Pasadena, CA, Ed. G. Fox, ACM, pp 1554–1561.
3. Elster, A.C. and Li, Hungwen: “Hypercube Algorithms on the Polymorphic Torus”, Proc. of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube, Concurrent Computers, and Applications, March 6–8, 1989 in Monterey, CA, Vol. I, Golden Gate Enterprises, pp 309–316. This paper was based on Cornell Computer Science TR 89-1003 and IBM Research Report, RJ 6775, 1989 (same title and authors).
4. Elster, A.C., Uyar, M.U., and Reeves, A.P.: “Fault Tolerant Matrix Operations on Hypercube Computers”, Proc. of the 1989 International Conf. on Parallel Processing, St. Charles, IL, August 8–12, 1989, Ed. F. Ris and P. M. Kogge, Penn State, Vol. III, pp 169–176.
5. Elster, A.C:, “Basic Matrix Subprograms for Distributed Memory Systems”, Proc. of the Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conf. (DMCC5), in Charleston, SC, April 9–12, 1990, Ed. D. W. Walker and Q. Stout, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 311–316. Received Student Paper Competition Award.