1. V. L. Hill and H. S. Meyer, inHigh Temperature Corrosion in Energy Systems, M. F. Rothman, ed. (The Metallurgical Society of AIME, 1985), p. 29.
2. R. A. Perkins and S. J. Vonk, ?Materials Problems in Fluidized-Bed Combustion Systems?, EPRI-Report FP-1280, Research Project 979-6, Dec. 1979.
3. R. A. Perkins, inAlloy 800, W. Betteridge, R. Krefeld, H. Kröckel, S. J. Lloyd, M. van de Voorde, and C. Vivante eds. (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978), p. 213.
4. K. Natesan, inConference Corrosion/ Erosion of Coal Conversion System Materials Proceedings, A. V. Levy, ed. (NACE, Houston, 1979), p. 223.
5. W. F. Chu and A. Rahmel,Oxid. Met. 16, 175 (1981).