1. B. F. Kuntsevich, A. N. Pisarchik, V. N. Chizhevskii, and V. V. Churakov, Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk.,39, No. 2, 220–225 (1983).
2. B. F. Kuntsevich, V. N. Chizhevskii, and V. V. Churakov, in: Abstracts of the IV-th All-Union Conf. “Optics of Lasers,” Leningrad (1983), pp. 305–306.
3. B. F. Kuntsevich, V. N. Chizhevskii, and V. V. Churakov, in: Abstracts of the VI-th All-Union Conf. on Nonresonance Interaction Between Optical Radiation and a Substance, Vil'nyus (1984), pp. 153–154.
4. V. N. Chizhevskii, Kinetic Intraresonator Spectroscopy Using cw Lasers with a Narrow Lasing Line, Preprint of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk (1987).
5. V. N. Chizhevskii, Input Action Recovery by Response of a cw CO2-laser, Preprint of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk (1987).