1. F. M. Pottenger: “A New Physical Sign Found in the Presence of Inflammatory Conditions of the Lungs and Pleura”. Journal of the American Medical Association, March 6, 1909.
2. Derselbe, F. M. Pottenger: “Muskelspasmus und Degeneration, ihre Bedeutung für die Diagnose intrathorazischer Entzündung und als Kausalfaktor bei der Produktion von Veränderungen des knöchernen Thorax und leichte Tastpalpation”. Brauers Beiträge zur Tuberkulose, Bd. XXII, H. 1, 1912.
3. Derselbe,, “Muscle Spasm and Degeneration in the Diagnosis of Intrathoracic Inflammations and as Causative Factors in the Production of Changes in the Bony Thorax and Light Touch Palpation”. C. V. Mosby Medical Book & Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1912.
4. Derselbe,, “Pulmonary Tuberculosis”, William Wood & Co., New York 1908.
5. Derselbe, F. M. Pottenger, “A New Physical Sign Probably A Skin Reflex, whereby Solid Organs, such as the Heart and Liver, and Inflammatory Processes Found in the Lungs and Pleura May be Detected by Palpation”. Medical Record, October 23, 1909.