1. G. ’t Hooft:Nucl. Phys.,61 B, 455 (1972).
2. J. C. Collins andA. J. Macfarlane: Cambridge University preprint DAMPT 73/34,Phys. Rev. D, to be published. Note that this form of the argument ofγ leads to the same result for the {ie183-1} as in (3), as can be seen by differentiation {ie183-2} or by direct manipulation using the group property of the effective coupling constant. This form is more intuitively obvious in one derivation of the solution.
3. S. Weinberg:Phys. Rev. 8 D, 3497 (1973).
4. See, for example,G. ’t Hooft andM. Veltman:Nucl. Phys.,44 B, 189 (1972).
5. G. ’t Hooft andM. Veltman:Nucl. Phys.,44 B, 189 (1972).