1. King, R. H. and Smith, A. I., “Thermal Fatigue Processes and Testing Techniques: A Review of Progress Since 1960,” Proc. Intnatl. Conf. on Thermal and High Strain Fatigue, The Metals & Metallurgy Trust, London, 364 (1967).
2. Radon, J. C., Burns, D. J. andBenham, P. P., “Push-pull Lowendurance Fatigue of Cast-irons and Steels,”Jnl. Iron and Steel Inst.,204,208 (1966).
3. Dawson, R. A. T., Elder, W. J., Hill, C. J. and Price, A. T., “High-strain Fatigue of Austenite Steel,” Ibid Ref. (1) Proc Intnatl. Conf. on Thermal and High Strain Fatigue, The Metals & Metallurgy Trust, London, 239.
4. Clark, W. G., Jr. and Ceschini, L. J., “An Ultrasonic Crack Growth Monitor,” Materials Evaluation, 180 (1969).
5. Branson Instruments Bulletin T-103d-13, “Sonoray High Temperature (up to 1000°F) Transducer.”