1. Brasier, R. I. andDove, R. C., “Use of Electrical-resistance Strain Elements in Three-dimensional Stress Analysis,”Proc. SESA I (6),186–191 (June 1961).
2. Dove, R. C., Brasier R. I. andBaker, W. E., “Selection of Gages for Strain Measurement of Interior Points,”Proc. SESA II (6),189–190 (June 1962).
3. Baker, W. E. andDove, R. C., “Measurement of Internal Strains in a Bar Subjected to Longitudinal Impact,”Proc. SESA II (10),307–311 (October 1962).
4. Baker, W. E. andDove, R. C., “Construction and Evaluation of a Three-dimensional Strain Rosette,”Proc. SESA III (9),201–206 (September 1963).
5. Serdengecti, S., Hendrickson, J. A. andSkjelbreia, L., “Strain Technique for Measuring Internal Strains in Artificial Solids,”Proc. SESA II (5),129–136 (May 1962).