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2. Chen, Y. “Wake Swing and Vortex Shedding in a Cross Flow Past a Single Circular Cylinder.” Ref. 10, Technical Session B, Paper B2.
3. Currie, I. G., Harlen, R. T., andMartin, W. W. “The Response of Circular Cylinder to Vortex Shedding.” Ref. 10, Technical Session B, Paper B1.
4. Diana, G., andFalco, M. “On the Forces Transmitted to a Vibrating Cylinder by a Blowing Fluid” (Experimental Study and Analysis of the Phenomenon).Meccanica, vol. VI, No. 1, 1971.
5. Di Silvio, G. “Self-Controlled Vibration of Cylinder in Fluid Stream.” Proc. ASCE,Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, vol. 95, No. EM 2, April 1969, Proc. Paper 6498.