1. K. DEAGAN, Artifacts of the Spanish Colonies of Florida and the Caribbean, 1500–1800, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC (1987).
2. W. D. JAMES, R. L. BREWINGTON, H. J. SHAFER, J. Radional. Nucl. Chem., (in press).
3. SAS Institute, Inc., SAS/STAT User's Guide, Volume 1, Version 6, Fourth Edition, SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, 1990, p. 535.
4. E. V. SAYRE, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report, BNL-23128, unpublished, 1975.
5. R.E. GERALD, Museum of New Mexico Research Record, Number 7, Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, 1968, p. 53.