AbstractThis study introduces CeO2/SiO2 double-layer film stacks and its antireflection coating effect. Optical properties were analyzed by spectrophotometer measurements; surface morphology and cross-sections were observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM); elemental distributions and crystallographic properties were determined by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) measurements. Average reflectance of single-layer 0.3MSiO2, 0.6MSiO2, and 0.3MCeO2 thin films were 30.54%, 20.12%, and 14.23%, respectively. Average reflectance was decreased significantly down to 5.9% by 0.3MCeO2/0.6MSiO2 double-layer thin films comparing to those of the results of single-layer films and bare silicon surface reflection (~40%). Antireflective effect of the films on solar cells was estimated by simulation using the measured reflection data. Simulated solar cells indicate that 0.3MCeO2/0.6MSiO2 double-layer antireflective coatings are capable to increase the efficiency significantly and conversion efficiency of 21.7% could be achieved.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University
Springer Science and Business Media LLC