1. B. V. Deryagin, U. B. Bazaron, and A. V. Bulgadaev, DAN SSSR,166, 639 (1966); Zh. éksperim. i teor. fiz.,51, 969 (1966).
2. N. F. Bondarenko and S. V. Nerpin, Collection: Research in the Field of Surface Forces [in Russian], ?Nauka? (1967).
3. N. Efanov, Dissertation [in Russian], Moscow (1966).
4. S. Bordi and G. Papeschi, Geofis. e meteorol.,14, 23 (1965);14, 25 (1965); S. Bordi F. Vannel, Ibid.,14, 129 (1965); G. Gabrielli and A. Ficalbi, Ibid.,14, 132 (1965).
5. I. N. Plaksin, S. A. Bruns, V. A. Chapturiya, and R. Sh. Shafeev, DAN SSSR,168, 152 (1966).